
The Young Band  Primitiva de Llíria, was formed in 1953. The junior band serves as a first learning step during the instruction of the new musicians in the Music School of our society. Its first conductor was Lirio Palomar Faubel.

The Young Band  is a very important step in the formation of our musicians’ personal and professional abilities. Currently, it is made up of 100 young musicians that range from the ages of 10 to 18 . Image

From the many conductors which have helped in this hard task, we could highlight the extraordinary jobs ofFrancisco Ramos, Francisco Alegre, Pedro Vicente, Salvador Oliver and Miguel-Pelegrí Verdeguer.

As far as important prizes, we would point out:

  • First prize in the Certamen Internacional de Bandas de Música de Valencia, the junior band category, in 1989.Conductor: Francisco Alegre
  • First prize in theI Certamen de Marchas Moras y Cristianas Ciudad de Oliva (Valencia) in 2003. Conductor: Miguel-Pelegrí Verdeguer
  • First prize in the I Certamen de Bandas Juveniles, Rotary Club l' Eliana (Valencia) in 2004. Conductor: Miguel-Pelegrí Verdeguer

ImageLa Banda Juvenil has carried out many performances thoughout Spain (Madrid, Sevilla, Ciudad Real, Teruel, Barcelona, Alacant, Tarragona, Murcia, Santiago de Compostela, Pontevedra, etc.) They have also played in TVE and RTVV.

The juniors have travelled abroad in cultural and musical exchanges with the bands of Luzerna (Switzerland), Friedrichshafen (Germany) and Aveiro and Coimbra (Portugal), this experience has been both enriching and successful.

since March 2009, the band is conducted by Miguel Ángel Navarro Gimeno.

Exposició: Una il·lusió col·lectiva. El treatre de J. Rieta.


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