
Music : J. Vte. Más Quiles
Lyrics: J. Fernández Funes

Among the orange tree that embroiders in gold

the green carpet of his besana,

Valencia in Llíria looks proud;

Llíria is a treasure, a trill muse, an artisan pearl!

Pare Antoni” sowed the bud,

that Llíria made rosebush in bloom,

carving notes, with noble pride

of witch’s cooing

the rough hands of the farmer.

Llíria, must Llíria

the spells of their trills cultivate…

Lliria, has Llíria

in his Primitive Band his singing….

Llíria, wants Llíria

with longing for its treasures to emerge…

Llíria, can Llíria

for Spain its flag to unfurl

Banda Primitiva and Llíria

two names, and only one desire,

the mancera and the valkyrie

that fly, from the ground to the sky.

Primitive band, muse, trill and flower.

Among the orange tree, which borsa in gold

The white rose of her candor,

Valencia has, as a treasure

its Llíria bronze, sonorous crystal of a fountain.

Banda Primitiva, cradle of my love.